Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.

Pupil Premium funding

Pupil Premium

In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding. This money is sent to schools based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). From 2012-13, it was expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last 6 years.

This money is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially.

School can decide how the Pupil Premium funding is spent as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.  Parents are contacted at the beginning of the year to inform them of how the monies are spent and how they can access additional funding to support for example the purchase of school uniform or musical instrument lessons and hire. Here at Redmarley we want to use our monies to develop the whole child both socially and academically.  

The School Leadership Team and the Local Advisory Board monitors the impact of all spending and interventions including Pupil Premium.

If your child does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please do contact the office (in confidence) to register them. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, this would mean our school could still claim Pupil Premium funding that may be used to help your child e.g. fund places on school trips or activities; access to Breakfast Club and monies towards your child's school uniform.

You can read our Pupil Premium strategy here. 
