Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)



At Redmarley Primary Academy,  we believe that all children are entitled to receive a high-quality of education regardless of their needs or disabilities. We believe that it is vital that our children are equipped with the tools needed to become independent learners, both inside and outside of the classroom. All children and young people should expect to receive an education that enables them to achieve the best possible outcomes, and become confident, able to communicate their own views and ready to make a successful  transition into secondary school and then adulthood.


Our SEND Team 

Mrs Rachel Evans 


Mrs Bethany Hodgson

Pastoral Lead



Through our first-quality teaching, planning and provision we: 

  • Ensure that needs are identified as early as possible and support is put into place 
  • Ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately scaffolded/adapted to enable children to succeed 
  • Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the needs of all pupils 
  • Aim to develop children’s independence 
  • Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND - at least 3 reviews a year involving parents
  • Work closely with parents and carers 
  • Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure that there is a collaborative approach to support children with SEND.


At Redmarley Primary Academy, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Our provision is enhanced by the collaboration of teachers, senior leaders, the SENDCo, support staff, external agencies, collaboration across the Primary Quest, parents and most importantly the child.

Pupils with SEND will: 

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day , including extra curricular clubs
  • Be provided with first quality teaching, adapted to meet their needs 
  • Be respected and acknowledged

Pupils with SEND may: 

  • Have specific 1:1 or group support to support them accessing different areas of the curriculum 
  • Have targeted, time limited interventions outside of the classroom 
  • Take part in social, emotional and mental health interventions. 
  • Work alongside outside agencies  or following the advice of agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist and Advisory Teaching Service. 

As a result of the provision above, we aim for children at Redmarley Primary Academy to: 

  • Feel safe, secure and cared for 
  • Show confidence and resilience in the classroom 
  • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities 
  • Make progress from their starting points 
  • Develop independence and skills to support them throughout life 
  • Work collaboratively with their peers on a shared task

For more information about SEND in our school, please click on the button below.


SEND Policy


SEND Information Leaflet


SEND Information Report


Gloucestershire Local Offer


Information about Assessments for Developmental Difficulties, including Neurobehavioural Conditions



New website available to Gloucestershire parents and carers who may be considering accessing an autism or ADHD assessment for their child. The website offers guidance and recommended resources.



Please also see below a number of useful organisations that will help you further understand any additional needs that your child may have. 







