Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.



At Redmarley Primary Academy we focus on being child centred in our approach to safeguarding and wellbeing. We work to prevent, support and repair, cultivating a vigilant culture focused on ensuring every child is safe and well in line with statutory guidance.


Support for children and families

We recognise the challenges that children and their families encounter and are here to support, listen and seek solutions together. Our safeguarding team work hand in hand with our SENCO, Pastoral Lead and Elsa, to enable us to find the right support for child and family. Being part of Primary Quest Trust ensures that we have access to expertise from across a range of settings. Our School Elsa is Miss Pimm, who provides emotional support for children. We also offer Therabuild (play therapy through Lego) and Drawing and Talking therapy. Please visit our mental health and wellbeing page to learn more.


Early Help

At Redmarley Primary Academy, we are focused on providing Early Help to our children and families to promote support as soon as we can. The Early Help process respects every family’s right to access information to manage their own lives successfully, whilst seeking support from appropriate sources.

From time to time, we all go through situations which are difficult to cope with. At these times, we need help and advice, but finding the right department or agency can be a minefield. The Early Help Offer gives parents a framework for asking for support. An assessment form may be completed, or signposting given, to provide parents and families with services who can help. This is only done with consent.

If you are ever in doubt, or feel like you need support to meet your individual needs please come and talk to us. We are here for you.


To find out more about our Child Protection procedures here at RPA please click on the links below. 


 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Offer of Early Help 

 Health and Safety Policy

Designated Safeguarding Lead Job Description 

Other useful policies are available at . These include: Whistle Blowing, Online Safety, Mobile Phone, Children with Medical Conditions, First Aid, Social Media, Intimate Care.  




Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Mrs Laura Hankins

Head Teacher


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Charlotte "Lotty" Benson

Deputy Head Teacher



Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Rachel Evans







                                                                                                 School ELSA                                                                                                                           Trust Pastoral Lead                                                                                                                                                                 

                                                                                              Miss Fran Pimm                                                                                                                            Mrs Beth Hodgeson