At RPA it is our intention that our coverage of subjects history will provide children with a broad range of knowledge across History, Geography and RE. Our curriculum has been designed to integrate with our termly themes, ensuring that learning is relevant. Where appropriate, links are made across subjects, including English, to deepen understanding and encourage our learners to think critically. Our curriculum for history has been designed in such a way that children are able to learn both knowledge and skills which will help them to progress as learners and live out our vision of 'shining as a light in the world'.
Our core drivers for history are to ensure children develop:
- A strong sense of historical enquiry. We want to hear children asking questions and being curious about history
- A good sense of understanding of cause and consequence (why events happened and what happened as a result of)
- A strong understanding of chronology (knowing when events happened in history and in what order compared to other events).
- A good understanding of their local history as well as history in other places.
- At Redmarley we teach the National Curriculum for History.
- Planning for each subject is linked to a termly theme, and History is often linked to this when appropriate.
- Throughout each class, children will have a Chronological understanding (an understanding of when events occurred within history and in the correct sequence)
- Teachers planning is responsive to the needs of learners in their class, particularly those with SEND and vulnerable, so that learning is skillfully adapted enabling all children to make good progress.
Features of a history lesson at Redmarley:
- Each area in History will have a hook question that will support learning e.g. Why did Vikings come to Britain?
- Engaging with artefacts and sources
- History displays in class will celebrate the current theme and share key vocabulary.
- Working as historians and thinking critically e.g. thinking about the cause and consequence of The Great Fire of London
- The same expectations for presentation in History books as in English books, so that children can communicate as historians with a sense of purpose and audience.
- Where appropriate chronology will be developed to show that when events happened in history and in what order compared to other events.
The result of our teaching is that our children will leave Redmarley with a strong understanding of both the skills and knowledge set out in the National Curriculum for History. In addition, that they can form opinions based on facts learned, and apply broader skills to other areas of their learning, such as investigation and discussion of sources.
History offers our learners an opportunity to learn about the wider world, and the impact of key events on our current society. They are able to discuss historical events with respect and compassion and make links between their learning.
It is our clear aim that the children will gain a broad knowledge, but also learn the skills to think independently and assess information given so that they are able to form their own opinions.
Our History Curriculum is currently being updated, please come back soon to find out more information.