Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.

2024 Key Stage and SATS Performance Information


Early Years Foundation Stage

100% of pupils in Reception attained a Good Level of Development against the Early Years Framework. The National Average was 67.7%.

 A Good Level of Development is defined as pupils' working at the expected standard or exceeding the expected standard in the key areas of literacy, maths, physical development, communication and language and personal, social and emotional development. We thank all the teachers and staff for all their hard work in supporting and nurturing pupils' learning. 


Year One Phonic Screening

93% of pupils in Year One attained the expected standard in the Phonic Screening test. The National Average was 80%. Thank you to staff and parents for supporting pupils' so well in their reading journey.


Key Stage Two

In 2024, we had 14 pupils in Year 6 and each child was worth  just over 7%. The assessments for reading, maths and GPVS (grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling) are from the SATs tests that pupils completed in May. The assessments for writing and science are judged by the class teacher. A huge well done to our year 6 pupils and all of the staff for their hard work and ensuring they were prepared for these assessments.  

 The results of the statutory tests (SATS) are reported using a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the expected standard. The highest possible score is 120.


Pupils are awarded one of the following Teacher Assessment judgments in writing:

Expected Standard - Working at the expected standard for their age. Pupils with a scaled score of 100 and above are included in this group.

Greater Depth - Working at greater depth within the expected standard and has a strong understanding of the curriculum. Pupils with a scaled score of 110 and above are included in this group.


Year 6 pupils were assessed in reading, writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling, maths and science. For further information, please see the leaflet Information for parents KS2 from the Standards and Testing Agency.

 % rounded to significant figure.

Greater Depth Standard -(GDS)


Reading %


Writing %




RWM Combined

% 2024

School 2024 (GDS)

50 (29)

50 (7)

50 (7)

50 (0)

National 2024 (GDS)

74 (29)

73 (13)

73 (24)

56 (8)

Local 2024 (GDS)

 74 (29)

 69 (12)

 70 (21)

60 (7)



Reading Average Points Scale %


Mathematics Average Points scale %


Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Average Points score

% 2024

School 2024 




National 2024 




Local 2024 





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